Random Walks of Happiness

Art inspired by a collection of 25,000 found objects

About the Project

“Random Walks of Happiness” conveys a deeply felt and internalized, personally experienced, minimalistic style of expression. It is the result of years of observation and is a marriage between the forces of nature and the human emotion of happiness. The project manifests itself in a unique and a very elegant object, an undeniable symbol of happiness – the muselet (the metal wire on top of a champagne cork). It is inspired by happy occasions when a bottle of sparkling wine is popped during special and memorable moments in life. People celebrate a big milestone and make wishes for good health, happiness, love, and success in the beginning or at the end of important events, such as New Year’s Eve, weddings, birthdays, and others. Zlati searched and revealed the origins of the tradition of popping sparkling wine: it dates back to mythological times. This was the way in which the deity of the beginning and the end was worshiped and it became a tradition which has survived to our times.

The collection of these found objects of art amounts to around 25,000 castoff muselets, gathered carefully over the course of the last six years from all corners of the world by Zlati’s whole family. All of them have been found in the wild – in the park, on the street, on the steps of famous sites. Each one has been released to mark a happy moment, and tells its narrative or sometimes many intertwined narratives spanning over years, even decades. When presented in a composition or installation with minimum intervention, the muselets are infinitely diverse in whispering their unique random walks of happiness. Zlati, with her conceptual artistic touch, selects and interprets them in minimalistic style into eye-catching compositions with organic geometric forms and installations preserving the spirit of joy and happiness. And she gives them new directions and life. The project aspires to reach out to the widest public and evoke memories and emotions about the happiest moments in people’s lives.